Thursday, November 20, 2014

EME 2040 Digital Badge #L Laura Guzman Moreno

 Some rights reserved by woodleywonderworks

Chapter six has very interesting subjects, and all are very helpful information for teachers and students I believe. As I was reading the  chapter it was pretty difficult for me to pick something to write about. But building a standards connectors is something that I do like to have, is like a teachers diary,we can have everything in there. As transforming learning with new technologies mentions, "to build standard connector, you need access to the internet and one of the data management or social bookmarking technologies"(138). This is one reason why this coarse has been so hard for me because we need to be computer masters to be able to achieve what a teacher of the 21 century needs to achieve. It is nice to know that I  have started to build my own standard connector with what I already have learned in this coarse. It is very challenging but I will keep on going.
Webquest,virtual field trips, and video conferencing sounds very interesting. I haven't hear about that yet, but I will investigate more about how it really works.
The trip in webquest really sounds interesting. "Virtual field trips,takes students to places all over the world without ever living their classroom or school computer lab" ,as transforming  learning with new technology mentioned (141). I really would like to have that experience. 

Lesson plan is another subject that got my attention. teachers seems to teach the class like so easy but to create that lesson plan really make me pull my hair. It explains what a lesson plan needs to have ,but when I go to the web page is like different stuff in there. I really enjoyed working on this lesson plan. even if you don't make a very good lesson plan ,It trains to give a better explanation of the lesson.

                                                          Textbook Resource:

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. I like your start on the Technology Zooburst book! :) As you learn more and have more time you could add to it, but you can see how much fun students would have creating their own 'pop up' books about the content they are studying. Good job on trying out that digital tool.

    Yes, there are so many educational webpages out there on the internet. We won't know them all but as we find ones that are important for our own learning and/or our students we should bookmark them on Delicious with searchable tags so we could reference them easily in the future.
