Monday, September 8, 2014

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Industrialization transformed European Culture and Society

·         At the end of the seventeen century the revolution of making of cloth revolution started because the traditional “putting out system” couldn’t keep up with the demand for cloth. So the first textile machine started, the Flying Shuttle, and after this machine five more were invented  with a better production than the last one (664).
·         1723-1790, in  economics, liberals followed the views of Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations. They believed in fair competition among individuals responding to the laws of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental regulation or interference. The most intelligent and efficient individuals would gain the greatest rewards, society would prosper, and the state would be kept in its proper place, protecting life and property 680).
·         1752-1819 This was the Great Awakening. A tremendous emotional revival carried across the Atlantic from the European swept the colonial frontier areas of North America from Georgia to New England in the late eighteen hundreds (679).
·         1770-1827 Poets responded for more pointedly to the challenge thrown down by the Napoleonic war and the industrial revolution. Some of them are William Wordworth & Samuel Tayler Coleridge and Lirical Balads. This artist, singers and poets talked about the past of their country and people stories. During a time of uncertainty, change and stress it was both comporting and uplifting to look to the past even an imagined one. This was the roots of Nationalism (686).
·         1800. Nationalism also was a political movement based on shared land, language, folklore, history, enemies and religion. The writers, musicians , artists and philosophers caught up in the romantic movement at the end of the eighteen century and beginning of the nineteen century rebelled against the classicism and the cold war (686).
·         1815 By this time the initial capital started to be noticed. The goods, possessions, or other items of value that constitute wealth to be used  to gain more good,  possessions or items of value through production or investment. European economy had ups and downs as happened in that time as it happens now. Liberials followed Adam Smith in his wealth of nations they believed in fair competition among individuals responding to the laws of supply (680).
·         1825 political thinker in France and England responded to the injustices of industrial capitalism by developing the theory of socialism or an ideology proposing that the community or government have ownership of the means to create wealth. Communism started on 1770, as an ideology that advocates the elimination of private properties, the ownership of all goods and means of production by the community and an elimination of conflicts by the creation of a society in which each person work according to his abilities and receives according to his needs (675).


·           Civilizations Past & Present twelfth Edition volume 11 from 1300. robert t. Edgar Neil J. Hackett, George F. Jewsbury. Barbara Molony Matthew S. Gordon

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