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Meeting Educational standards got my interest in this chapter. According to transforming Learning with new Technologies, planning teaching and assessing, all directly connected, sometimes become separate when teachers think about their work in the classroom (83). this article is true and scary at the same time. Most of the times this means like 3 jobs in one for a teacher. Teachers plan their lesson to engage their students and when they evaluate the students they find out that they have 3 different groups. I think that it might be easy to plan, but when she is teaching what planned to teach, it can be difficult because all students are in different levels. A teacher job is not as easy as it looks. On my experience,I have work with teachers who enthusiastically have share about how she planed to teach this class and at the end of the day she needs to change her planning because it didn't work as she planned. also I agree with the Personal Experience assessment,which means that a teacher teaches the same way she was thought That is true om my experience because when I teach reading Horizon to my little group, I always try to imitate the teacher who thought me.
Another subject that got my interest was New Approaches to Assessments. As Transforming Learning With New Technologies states, "A former supporter of No Child Left Behind flatly declared that education reform has been "hijacked" by and over-reliance on standardize tests. It also says that Tests are driving the curriculum instead of the curriculum driving the tests (86). I agree with this comment because I have witness how teachers work together to try to figure out what to teach the students. They invest most of their time trying to find the best thing to teach them with out knowing if this is going to be in that certain test. Teaching Learning With New Technologies reads, "For students the joy and purpose of learning is taken away as they have fewer and fewer opportunities to explore topics that do not appear on the tests (87). I agree with this comment because as teachers prepares students for the "Holy FCAT " tests, students get bored just to know that this might be on the test and many things are not there. I think that would be more helpful if teacher knows what this people wants from the students to learn, if they make the tests, they should do the lessons to be teach to students stead of letting teacher brake their heads with some thing that are not on their lists. According to Transforming Learning With New Technologies, "out right dishonesty," teachers adjust the test conditions so students do better or, some instances, actually given students answers to difficult questions(Popham, 2002.pp.1-3). For example,ESL (English as a second language) , teachers are teaching middle schoolers
Last but not least, I over read the Web Resources and Apps for Students Assessment. I really never thought about Rubrics,or even knew what that was , so I navigate in Ribistar. com and when I went back to my place of work, I comment to some of the teachers that I need it to work on a Rubric, and more than 3 teachers mention Rubistar. com. they told me not to worry about it because with Rubistar it was going to be easy because it does it for you. So I will use this web site for my Rubrics on the future. Another subject that i really like is the eClcklers. Math teachers use these clickers. The math teachers and students really enjoy using these clicker Teachers save time and students enjoy using and looking at their answers right away. I will be happy to use these apps and webs for my teaching experience,if by that time theres anything better than this invented .
One thing I know about teachers,they never finish studying because there is always something new on education standards ,new approaching assessments, and bunch of new websites and apps to learn from . Somereserved by ecastro Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Your points of discussion are well described! I continue to appreciate your reflective comments as to how the content relates to your school experience - making those connections really help you think about the information and make it your 'own'. Now you need to work on your photographs - they need to be larger, they need to be Creative Commons or public domain (which I can't tell because), they also need to be properly attributed. I see you made attempt for attribution, but you still need to work on it as the links don't take me to the photograph. Keep working at it.